THE BREAD-FREE TOAST! This acorn squash toast is a simple recipe that hits the spot. Roasted rings of acorn squash spread with almond butter and topped with crispy bacon and cashews.
Grain Free Toast Phenomenon
First, it was avocado toast, then it was the sweet potato toast… which not to brag, but I had a few of mine featured on Buzzfeed & Huffington Post. Okay. That was bragging. Well, forget about those because we have a new toast in town. Many of you know, I try to keep things relatively low carb around here, it keeps my gut happy. Although I do allow myself sweet potatoes and other starchy produce every few days.
A few weeks ago I saw a post on an autoimmune paleo support group on Facebook, about someone creating a recipe that was AIP and SCD. SCD is the specific carbohydrate diet. Which pretty much eliminates any complex carbs which don’t easily absorb during the digestive process and can be left behind to feed the bacteria in your gut. Now PRE-biotics, like most tubers have their benefits. We usually WANT to feed the healthy bacteria in our gut. Unless we have bad bacteria. If our guts got some nasties in it, these complex carbs are going to feed them to and we don’t want that.
Why SCD?
I had SIBO, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, and had to adhere to a low carb/ low starch (SCD) version of AIP/ Paleo to get my healing on track. I find this to be a pretty common scenario. A lot of folks, a few weeks or months into their AIP (autoimmune protocol), frustrated because they are still flaring, learn that they have SIBO and then begin to omit compliant starchy foods from their diet. To include most sweeteners and fruit. Its tough, to be on such a restricted and have to remove even more things from your diet.
I have been fortunate to successfully reintroduce eggs, nuts, and most seed-based spices back into my diet. Nightshades are a hard no. Dairy is ok, as long as it’s low in lactose. Carbohydrates are fine in moderation. But if I eat a bowl of white rice I’ll be hurting later. It’s ok though. Anywho… I’ve kind of gone off on a rant here. The point of this whole thing is that the post I saw on Facebook reminded me of when I created SCD specific recipes and how I want to get back to it, although many of them are already by default.
So here’s a toast for all you SDC folks out there. Because no one likes to be left out of the fun. Especially when it looks this good!
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Nutty Squash Toast
- Prep Time: 10
- Cook Time: 5
- Total Time: 15 minutes
- Yield: 4–6 toast 1x
- Category: Breakfast
- Method: Bake
- Cuisine: SCD
- Diet: Gluten Free
This low Fodmap Toast is a great way to have your paleo toast that is still low starch!
- 1 acorn squash
- 1 tbsp olive oil or avocado oil
- 2 tsp unsweetened almond butter
- 2 slices of bacon (sugar free, compliant)
- 1/4 cup cashews
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon or pumpkin spice would be great too!
- 1/2 tsp salt
- chives
- Pre-heat oven to 400F.
- Slice acorn squash vertically into 1/2 inch thick rounds.
- Remove the seeds.
- Rub with olive oil. Roast for 20 minutes.
- Set out to cool.
- In the meantime, heat a dry skillet on medium-high heat.
- Add in the raw cashews and toss with seasoning while you toast them.
- Once they begin to brown remove from the heat.
- Clean out the skillet, put back on the burner.
- Chop up bacon and add to the hot skillet.
- Cook until crispy, stir often.
- Remove from skillet and place on paper towel to drain fat.
- Spread a thin layer of almond butter on your squash rounds.
- Place cashews on them evenly.
- Sprinkle salt over all of them.
- Add the crispy bacon to the rounds.
- Finally mince the chives and add them too.
- I like to cut the round into quarters and eat it with my hands, but you can also use utensils… but why?
Recipe Notes:
- Pro Tip: Roast your acorn squash ahead of time, or the day before… makes this a 10 minute meal!
- Serving Size: 2 slices
- Calories: 171
- Fat: 14g
- Carbohydrates: 9g
- Fiber: 1g
- Protein: 5g
Katja says
Winter Squash and bacon! Brilliant!
Darryl says
THis is a great post! Thanks for the educational details too, grEat to add the context as to why we shouLd make some of These choICES.
ChihYu says
I love acorn squash and thank you for sharing a new way to enjoy this lovely autumn recipe !
Holley @ says
Delicious! There is a giant bin of acorn squash at the grocery, I’m going to try this recipe Wednesday!
Jo Romero says
These look really autumnal! love them!
jessica demay says
I love this idea! Fall squash is my favorite!
MeliSsa @REAL NUTRITIOUS living says
This recipe makes me so excited for fall! Squash variations are always nice to have. It looks beAutiful Too!
Renee says
I could eat squash for breakfast every day! Love this idea for serving it! Thank you!
Jean says
What a great idea! These look so fun to eat as well.
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish says
This is brilliant! I love acorn squash but have never thought to make it like this. I can’t wait to try some when I get my hands on some acorn squash soon.
Cristina says
love these!